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for your blog and website. I am learning many things here and appreciate the effort you have made to make others learn how to be happy and make it look
Thursday, May 17, 2018Since I started this website I have included relationships as one of the keys to happiness.
In fact, if you have spent any time here at, you may have read about my "3 R's" of Happiness, where the first "R" stands for Relationships.
Well, a new 75-year Harvard study has shown that relationships are actually the key to happiness.
Here is the bottom line:
The clearest message that we get from this 75-year study is this: Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. Period.”
- Robert Waldinger, director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development
So, it's that "simple". Relationships are the key to a happy, healthy life. Click here to read a wonderful article about the Harvard study results and click on the “Read More” button below to get lots of great information on relationships and happiness. BeHappy! my friends
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Tuesday, March 27, 2018
As the first quarter of 2018 comes to an end, one thing I want to focus on it health.
It’s hard to believe how fast time is racing by these days, isn’t it?
Because of this, as we age, health becomes increasingly important, especially since it seems every year goes by in the blink of an eye.
So, for this brief post, I just want to start you thinking about health by using what I posted this week for the BeHappy! Thought for the Day...THE SIX BEST DOCTORS IN THE WORLD:
1. Sunlight
2. Sleep
3. Movement
4. Proper nutrition
5. Self confidence
6. Friends and relationships
Maintain them in all stages of life and enjoy a happy, healthy life.
To learn more about health, get my e-book, A Guide to Healthy Living for only $1.99 by clicking here (or get it FREE by clicking here).
BeHappy! my friends
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Sunday, February 18, 2018As you probably know, the 2018 Winter Olympics are happening now in Pyeongchang, South Korea.
I love the Olympics.
Ever since I was a little boy of 7 or 8 I have been watching the Olympics. It is not only inspirational for me, it involves some great neuroassociations.
The athletes who make it to the Olympics are the best in the world. They have worked very hard their entire lives to make it, and most are just happy to be there, even if they have little chance of winning a medal. But what about those who are only happy if they win a medal - or even only if they win gold? It's an interesting (and complicated) situation.
Click on the “Read More” button to learn about "The Olympics and Happiness". BeHappy! my friends
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Monday, January 29, 2018Well, January is basically over and I am just getting to my “Happy New Year” post. That’s the way life is sometimes - busy and intense.
Well, because it’s the end of January, most people have already set goals for 2018 and are well into the process of making this year the best, happiest year ever. I hope that’s you.
If you’re not one if those people, though, it’s not too late to get that process going. And, if you haven’t done it because you just don’t really know how, then you must read the 5th and 6th Parts of my “Holiday Happiness Series” by clicking on the “Read More” button below. And don’t be put off by the “Holiday” title since the holidays are now a distant memory. It’s still applicable and not about the holidays. It’s about making this year the year you want it to be (Part 5 is about setting goals and Part 6 is about figuring what really will make you happy – not only this year, but in life). So, even if you know how to set your yearly goals, it’s important you refresh your understanding of how to make sure your goals are achieved (and that you know the best goals you need to make you happy and “successful”). So, click on the “Read More” button to make that happen.
Also, for those who did set goals (or even those of you who do “New Years Resolutions), it’s still worth reading so that your goals stay on track (or your resolutions become goals – you’ll see the difference when you read the article). So, for all of you, click on the “Read More” button, too.BeHappy! my friends
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Tuesday, December 26, 2017The end of 2017 is here. Are you ready for a new year?
What I really mean by "ready" is, have you set things up in your life to make 2018 your happiest, healthiest, best year ever? If not, it's time to get ready. That means you must be proactive.
So, as a first step, click on the "Read More" button below to go to Part 5 of my "Holiday Happiness" series, which addresses setting goals and "resolutions", and is something we all must do, every year, if we want to keep improving our lives. It is essential, and now is the time to do it.
So click on the "Read More" button here now...
BeHappy! my friends
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Thursday, December 7, 2017Well, Thanksgiving is behind us here in the U.S. and the holiday season is in full swing all over the world.
So, make sure you're doing everything possible to make your holiday season, wherever you are, as happy, fulfilling, and stress-free as possible.
Click on the "Read More" button below to continue my "Holiday Happiness" series.
BeHappy! my friends
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Saturday, November 18, 2017It's the "holiday season" and I am way behind on getting my holiday planning series up this year (I usually start it in mid-October).
Click on the "Read More" button below to start my "Holiday Happiness" series, which will help make your holiday season less stressful and happier (and, make sure to click on the link at the end of "Part 1" that will "catch you up" by taking you to "Part 2" of the "Holiday Happiness" series).
BeHappy! my friends
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Wednesday, August 23, 2017One of the reasons most people are not truly happy (or at least as happy as they could be) is because most people don't know what happiness really means. Most importantly, most people don't know what happiness means to them personally (see my blog post below titled "What Would Make YOU Truly and Totally Happy?".
Everyone is different, so what might make me happy in life may be completely different from what makes you happy. Do you know what happiness really means to you?
To add to what was discussed in the previous post, today I put out the next edition of the BeHappy! Newsletter, which discusses this topic in detail. So click on the "Read More" button below to get your FREE subscription to the newsletter so every other month you can get great information, advice, and tips to live your happiest possible life.
BeHappy! my friends
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Tuesday, July 25, 2017Well, despite my greatest intentions, I have not kept up with my planned series on happiness here at the BeHappy! Blog. In fact, it has been two months since I posted anything. For that, I apologize.
It's a crazy time of life right now (mostly good stuff) and I just have had too much going on (like focusing on my new role as the CEO of a cannabis-based pharmaceutical company, called Emerald Health Pharmaceuticals, and spending the past month in Spain). Even my "daily" Thought for the Day has only changed a few times since May.
My plan is to get back to it all soon. Since I don't want to overcommit, though, I may start doing a "Thought for the Week" (rather than a "Thought for the Day") and put up a new blog post once a month (at least for the next few months). Then, once things get a bit smoother for me, I'll get back to a more frequent schedule.
Again, I apologize for the absence. Hopefully all the other great content here at has been enough to provide the tips and strategies to help you live your happiest possible life.
BeHappy! my friends
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Sunday, May 21, 2017
As we get into this several month process to total and true happiness, let's get back to basics by defining what happiness really is - for you as an individual.
If you look in the dictionary, you'll find something like this as a general definition of happiness: "A consistent state of well-being characterized by frequent, long-lasting emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy."
That's a "nice" definition in general, but what we really need is a specific understanding of what happiness means for each of us individually. That's the first step for all of us. We need to know what happiness really means for each of us as a person. And, it's different for everyone.
So, that's what the next several weeks here at the BeHappy! Blog will address. It's a "formula" for happiness that starts by determining your own personal definition of happiness.
So, as a start, click on the "Read More" button below to learn a bit about the meaning of happiness for you and we'll get into it further in the next post. Until then...
BeHappy! my friends
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Tuesday, May 9, 2017This blog post begins an important series of strategies (and actions) involving every aspect of our happiness.
Over the next few months, my plan is to introduce you to many of the essential concepts which create happiness (or destroy it) in our lives – and provide some simple concepts, important tools and effective products which, if practiced and used regularly, will improve your life significantly by making you happier, healthier, and wealthier (if that’s something you want).
You won’t be surprised to know that in this first post of the series, my main recommendation is to get a free autographed copy of my book – simply called BeHappy! (pictured above) – which will guide you through a step-by-step process toward building a foundation of happiness that will last your entire life.
By getting this free gift, I’ll also give you a copy of my two ebooks, called Be Happy at Work and A Guide to Healthy Living (pictured below), which we will use later in the series. So, for this first post in the series, the assignment is to click here to get the free autographed copy of my book sent to your door and my two ebooks sent to your inbox.
Since you'll get the two ebooks immediately, you'll be able to read those before the next blog post and you'll be on your way to health and happiness.
Then, in the next post, I'm going to start the process of building a foundation for happiness by helping to figure out what happiness really means to you personally, since we really can't be truly happy if we don't know what it is that will make us totally happy. So click here to get the 3 free books now.
BeHappy! my friends
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Tuesday, May 9, 2017My plan for the next few weeks (or maybe the next few months), has been delayed but will be coming soon.
Starting with the next post (which will be soon), I'll write about a different "component" of happiness - including relationships, health, money and wealth, success, spirituality, etc.
And, as an added part of that topic, I am going to provide some of the best sources and products that I can find for improving that particular part of your life and happiness.
For now, in this post, let me give you links to some of the most important sections of this website for you to review as we get into these topics in the coming weeks. Here they are:
Happiness, Balance, Spirituality: Click Here
Relationships: Click Here
Health, Weight Loss, Longevity: Click Here
Wealth, Success, Freedom and Free Time: Click Here
Next week, we'll start with the topic of "General Happiness". It will provide some of the basics that anyone can use to become much happier.
BeHappy! my friends
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Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Valentine's Day is a day of romantic love. So, for those couples who celebrate Valentine's Day, here are two quotes for you to think about for the rest of the year...
Monday, January 23, 2017Our world is experiencing a health crisis. The majority of the population is sicker, fatter and less fit than 50 years ago, and it's getting worse every day. This trend can change by taking some simple steps.
Click on the "Read More" button here to learn the truth about how to live a healthy, happy, long life - free from disease and the need for prescription drugs.
BeHappy! my friends
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Monday, December 19, 2016Life is tough - and can be very tough sometimes.
Click on the Read More button here to see a list of "life questions" which can help you improve your life and make the tough times a bit better.BeHappy! my friends
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Friday, December 2, 2016
I posted this on one of my daily "Thoughts for the Day" and just wanted to repeat it here on the blog...
Monday, November 14, 2016For those who have been following my weekly blog posts and daily "Thought for the Day" over the years, I sincerely apologize for neglecting these regular items here at for the past few months.
This year has been a very difficult, intense year for me and my family, so my focus has been on other things. Next week, though, I intend to start back with a whole new perspective and lots more great information on health and happiness.
So, be on the lookout for next week's blog post - and your daily "Thought for the Day", because I'll Be Back!
BeHappy! (and healthy) my friends
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Friday, July 1, 2016Children can provide the most joy imaginable. As a parent, I know this first-hand. Recent statistics, however, show that, in general, couples with children (i.e., parents) are not as happy as couples without children. This is especially pronounced in the United States, where most parents say they always feel “rushed”, especially working parents.
Why are parents less happy?
Well, there are many reasons. First, from an “external” perspective, many countries (like the U.S.) have relatively poor social policies supporting parents (NOTE: Parents in a few countries around the world report being as happy or even happier than non-parents. These countries include Russia, France, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Hungary and Portugal. Part of the reason for this is that these countries have better social policies supporting mothers and fathers). From a more “internal” perspective, though, most parents worry about their kids. And, worry creates unhappiness (one of my favorite quotes is “worry never changes the course of tomorrow, it just saps the joy out of today”). Also, children are expensive, which puts more financial pressure on most couples (and financial pressure is one of the leading causes of fights between couples). And, there are other effects on a couple’s marriage. Many times sex is much less frequent (even non-existent), and there is much less time for couples to be alone together. “Dates” need to be scheduled, babysitters hired, and on and on.
So, what should parents do?
Well, that’s what this website is all about. It’s for anyone who needs to be happier – whether you are a parent or not.
It’s the same for everyone. Very simply, know and practice my “Happiness Formula”.
Just click here to learn more about it - especially if you are a parent and need to increase your level of happiness.
BeHappy! (and healthy) my friends
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Wednesday, May 4, 2016It’s been a while since I have written about this topic, but over the past 3 months my mother has been in the hospital, initially for congestive heart failure. But, since she was admitted, she has had many other issues, including a bowel infection, a knee joint infection, kidney failure, a blood clot in her leg, and a stroke.
During all this, my family and I have been increasingly angered by the many drugs “pushed” on her by several doctors – many unnecessarily, and all with major negative effects.
As I wrote in my article called, "Let’s Get Everybody on Drugs", it is now even clearer to me that our health care system is out of control. Doctors, hospitals, and the pharmaceutical industry are contributing to our terrible health and, in some ways, are literally killing us. As a physician myself, I am apalled by what the system has become.
The bottom line is that my mom went in for one thing (congestive heart failure), was given multiple drugs by many different doctors, many of which were either unrelated to her main illness or designed to address the terrible side effects of some of the other drugs prescribed, then suffered from even more negative side effects from those drugs, and was therefore just given even more drugs to deal with those side effects (which then caused even more negative effects – and on and on). It’s just awful.
But it goes much deeper than this. And, admittedly, doctors are not all to blame. They are taught to “treat” symptoms with drugs. They are “conditioned” to habitually and almost “reflexively” prescribe medication at the first sign of a symptom or health issue. And, conversely, they are not taught to reduce the underlying causes of the symptoms first.
It gets a bit complicated from here, since it is now being determined that much of our terrible health these days is due to one thing – inflammation in our bodies. And, importantly, in addition to our very poor diet, that inflammation is made worse by many of the drugs sold by pharmaceutical companies and prescribed by doctors.
Because of this, I’ve written a simple e-book called, “A Guide to Healthy Living”, which explains it all – and helps provide solutions on how to eliminate the inflammation from your body, live longer, be more fit, and minimize the chances of getting a chronic disease later in life (like cancer, obesity, heart-disease, diabetes, high-blood-pressure, Alzheimer’s Disease, and even depression).
Click on the “Read More” button below to get a FREE COPY of my ebook, “A Guide to Healthy Living” as a gift from me to help you get the best health information available, so you don’t end up getting treated like my mother someday.BeHappy! (and healthy) my friends
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Monday, April 25, 2016As a visitor to, you probably know that one of the first things you need to do before you can be truly happy in life is to know your personal Definition of Happiness.
So, again, If you haven't already done so, read the January 19th blog post below called "What is Happiness?" (or click here to find out your personal Definition of Happiness).
If part of your Definition of Happiness includes "money", "income", or "wealth", then, as I suggest throughout the financial sections of this website, it is important that you create multiple streams of income as part of your financial strategy. Also, read the October 7th, 2015 blog post below to understand the concept of "money and happiness".
One quick and simple way to build a steady, passive income is by building a money-making website related to a topic you love, and making it into a business that runs on autopilot.
I have been able to get all visitors to FREE access to a new software that is taking the internet by storm. It's called ClickFunnels, and it allows you to build a website in less than an hour. And, yes, you can stay making money right away.
Click on the video above to find out how - and to get your FREE access to the software.
BeHappy! my friends
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Friday, April 1, 2016
Wednesday, March 23, 2016Imagine life without disease and the need for chronic medication.
Well, researchers have discovered a way to “flip a switch” inside our body’s cells which make it virtually impossible for many chronic diseases to exist in those cells.
Not only that, if you already have diseased cells, this discovery could make them disappear as if they never existed at all.
What’s amazing is that there are rules (partly stemming from the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry) that blocks access to this technology and prevents most health experts from even talking about it. [Read my article, “Let’s Get Everybody on Drugs” to understand more about how the pharmaceutical industry isn’t really motivated to “cure” people or even make us healthy – and, if you do nothing else, get my ebook, A Guide to Healthy Living for just $1.99 by clicking here, or get a FREE copy by clicking here.
The discovery is available to all of us, so click on the “Read More” button here to learn about this technology and how you can live longer, healthier and happier – without diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and many others.BeHappy! my friends
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Tuesday, March 15, 2016Getting back to the "foundations" of happiness, the next step is what I call "The Fundamental 3-R's of Happiness". It is all described fully in my book (BeHappy!) which you can get free (and autographed) by clicking here (just pay shipping) and in my "Happiness Formula" (check out the free 5-Part Happiness Formula video course by clicking here).
To review, this "Happiness Formula" begins with "eliminating unhappiness" from your life (see the February 9th blog post below on "Eliminating Unhappiness"). Then, before doing anything else, it is essential to understand what happiness means to you, personally. I call it your "Definition of Happiness". If you haven't already done so, read the January 19th blog post below called "What is Happiness?" (or click here) to find out your personal Definition of Happiness. Then, there is contribution, which I described as the next foundational element in the February 22nd blog post below.
The final piece (actually 3 pieces) of the foundation is this "3-R's" concept, which you can learn all about by clicking on the "Read More" button below.
BeHappy! my friends
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Monday, February 22, 2016This week let's get back to my series on the "foundational" elements of happiness.
As a reminder, we started the series with an introduction to my "Happiness Formula" (check out the FREE 5-Part video course by clicking here).
In the video course, the "Happiness Formula" I go through begins with "eliminating unhappiness" from your life (see the February 9th blog post below). Then, before doing anything else, it is essential to understand what happiness means to you, personally. I call it your "Definition of Happiness". If you haven't already done so, read the January 19th blog post below (or click here) to find out your personal Definition of Happiness.
Now, once you've started with those first two foundational elements of happiness, the next part of the "formula" is contribution. And, as Robert Kennedy said in the quote above, you're happiest when you are contributing. In fact, as with the other "foundational" elements of happiness, we really can't be truly happy unless we are contributing.
Click on the "Read More" button below to find out why (and how) to contribute.
BeHappy! my friends
Tuesday, February 9, 2016Did you get the free video course in last week's post?
If not, scroll down now and get it. It's free and contains the first several foundational steps to happiness.
In the video course, the "Happiness Formula" I describe starts with understanding what happiness means to you, personally. I call it your "Definition of Happiness". If you haven't already done so, read the January 19th post below to find out your Definition of Happiness.
Once you have downloaded the video course and read (or reviewed) the January 19th post, click on the "Read More" button below to take the next step in the process, which is to "eliminate unhappiness" from your life.
BeHappy! my friendsClick here to COMMENT ON THIS POST
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
To resume the plan after our tragedy last week (see last week's post below), let's get back to the plan for delivering a series of posts on the "foundations" of happiness.
To do that, this week I want to share the "Happiness Formula" video course I created, which, as the name implies, provides a simple step-by-step "formula" for happiness, in an easy video format. Check out the first module of the 5-part mini-course by clicking on the video here...
Monday, January 25, 2016
My plan for this week's blog post changed over the weekend when my brother-in-law (my wife's brother) died tragically when he was struck by a car while walking home Saturday morning. He was only 48 years old.
My intent, as described in last week's post, was to start a happiness-building "series" based on the fundamental factors associated with happiness in life.
Well, because of our tragedy this weekend, I've decided instead to use this week's post as a reminder that dealing with tragedy and adversity is a crucial part of being happy.
The events of this weekend reminded me of how I asked myself if I could ever be happy again when my father died unexpectedly way back in 1982, when he was just 56 years old (I was in my early 20's). Similarly, this weekend our family lost a brother, son, father and husband - and many of these people are asking themselves the same question.
Fortunately, I know (first hand) that happiness is still possible (and even likely) after this kind of adversity, mainly by doing the fundamental things needed to live a happy life, regardless of the circumstances.
So, before starting to explore these foundation elements of happiness, click on the "Read More" button below to get a lesson (or reminder) on how to deal with the tough times in life - even if they are major tragedies. Then, next week we'll get back into the series on happiness-building fundamentals.
BeHappy! my friends
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Tuesday, January 19, 2016
It's only 3 weeks into the new year and the holidays are almost a "blur".
What now? How will 2016 be for you? How has it started off?
Well, one of my goals for 2016 is to do whatever it takes to help more people be happy! And to do that, let's get back to basics by defining what happiness really is.
if you look in the dictionary, you'll find something like this: "A consistent state of well-being characterized by frequent, long-lasting emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy."
That's a "nice" definition in general, but what we really need is a specific understanding of what happiness means for each of us individually. That's the first step for all of us - to know what happiness really means for each of us as a person. And, it's different for everyone.
So, that's what the next several weeks here at the BeHappy! Blog will address. It's a "formula" for happiness that starts by determining your own personal definition of happiness.
So, as a start, click on the "Read More" button below to learn a bit about the meaning of happiness for you and we'll get into it further next week. Until then...
BeHappy! my friends
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Wednesday, December 2, 2015
As those of you who visit this website regularly may know, every day (365 days a year) I put up my “BeHappy! Thought for the Day” on this site. It’s a quote or message about happiness or one of the components of a happy life, such as relationships, success, motivation, spirituality, health, or wealth.
Well, I came across a powerful message recently, which some claim was written by Steve Jobs (the founder and former CEO of Apple Computer) in the days before he died of cancer. Others, however, don’t believe it was written by Steve Jobs.
Regardless of who wrote it, though, I’m sure you’ll agree it’s very moving and contains an important and inspiring message we should all take to heart.
Check it out by clicking on the “Read More” button here…
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Monday, October 26, 2015If you have read about my "Happiness Formula" (see the September 29th post below) you saw that giving (in other words, "contribution") is an essential component of "total happiness".
Certainly, while everyone's Definition of Happiness is different, there are a few fundamental (foundational) elements required to live the happiest possible life.
Click on the Read More button here to find out how "giving" makes us happier - and how you can create a "give to be happy" plan.BeHappy! my friends
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Weekly Blog Post: Wednesday, October 7, 2015
The question "can money buy happiness?" has become a cliche.
And, the "right" answer is not so easy to determine. In fact, it's really the wrong question to even ask.
Click on the "Read More" button here to learn the "truth" - and find out the better question to ask.
BeHappy! my friends
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Weekly Blog Post: Tuesday, September 29, 2015
With the "foundation" for happiness built over the past couple of months of posts (see the various posts below if you haven't gone through the process), I want to take this week to review a "tool" I created a while back. I call it "The Happiness Formula" and it basically summarizes (and uses) much of what was addressed in the the past few months of "foundation building" into a simple mathematical formula.
You can use the formula at the beginning of your happiness journey to know where you're starting.
Are you not very happy right now? Are you somewhat happy, but want (or need) to be happier? Are you very happy, but just have a few things in your life you'd like to be better?
Well, this formula will give you the answer (basically your "happiness score") which you can then use to monitor your progress over time.
So, click on the "Read More" button here to learn the formula and then use it to create a happier life.
BeHappy! my friends
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Weekly Blog Post: Monday, September 14, 2015
So, the "foundation" to total and lifelong happiness is almost laid based on the steps described over the past couple of months in this "BeHappy! Blog".
This is now the final step in the five part series I've written which I describe in my book - BeHappy! (which you can get FREE by clicking here).
Hopefully you have gone through the first four steps and, if so, you have confirmed (or discovered) your true identity (blog post 6/30/2015).
Then, in the July 6th blog post, we went into the concept of your purpose in life, another foundational element of happiness, and you discovered "why you are here" and "what you are meant to do".
Next, in the July 28th post, you explored your life's passion(s) and what you really love to do - both in your life and in your “work” or career (click here to get my ebook, “BeHappy! at Work” to learn to love your work. NOTE: you can get this ebook free, too, when you order your free autographed copy of “BeHappy!” by clicking here).
Then, last week we put these first three steps together to come up with your personal Definition of Happiness, which is essential for living your happiest possible life (click here to find out how to develop your personal Definition of Happiness).
Now, for the last step in this foundational process to total lifelong happiness, click on the "Read More" button here to learn how to use everything you have done to create your life’s “Happiness Plan”. This Plan is your roadmap to a life of total happiness and fulfillment. So, click on the “Read More” button now.
BeHappy! my friends
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Weekly Blog Post: Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Do you know what would make you truly happy?
Have you explored your identity, your purpose in life, and your passions - as described in my three previous blog posts in June and July? If not, check them out, then take this "next step" (which is a critical one) to finding true happiness and creating your happiest possible life.
It's the 4th part of a five part series which will take you through the "foundational" elements I describe in my book - BeHappy! - and which will lead you through a process toward complete lifelong happiness.
Click on the "Read More" button here to learn more about creating your personal Definition of Happiness.
BeHappy! my friends
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Weekly Blog Post: Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Weekly Blog Post: Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Is your life passionate and fulfilled?
What would you do "for a living" if money were no object?
Are you doing what you absolutely love in life?
This is the third part of a four or five part series which will take you through the "foundational" elements I describe in my book - BeHappy! - and which will lead you through a process toward complete lifelong happiness.
Click on the "Read More" button here to learn more about finding your passion(s) in life and how to use them to be happier.
BeHappy! my friends
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Thursday, July 23, 2015
Hi there...
I'm really sorry I've missed the past two weeks of blog posts. We have been out on our boat for past couple of weeks on a little vacation in a remote location off Catalina Island, California (that's a picture above that I took a couple of days ago). We had no internet service where we were, but I'm back on the mainland now, so I'll continue the series I started a few weeks ago on the "foundational elements" of happiness.
Again, my apologies for missing the past couple of posts. I'll be back to you next week.
BeHappy! my friends
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Weekly Blog Post: Monday, July 6, 2015
Why are you here? Does your life have "meaning"? Do you know your purpose in life?
This is the second part of a four or five part series which will take you through the "foundational" elements I describe in my book - BeHappy! - and which will lead you through a process toward complete lifelong happiness.
Click on the "Read More" button here to learn more.
BeHappy! my friends
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Weekly Blog Post: Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Do you know who you really are?
Do you know your purpose in life, your true passions, and your own personal Definition of Happiness?
If not, it's very unlikely that you are truly happy right now - and even worse, that you can ever be really happy.
So, I'm starting a four or five part series with this week's blog post, which will take you through the "foundational" elements I describe in my book - BeHappy! - and which will lead you through a process toward complete lifelong happiness.
Click on the "Read More" button here to learn more.
BeHappy! my friends
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Weekly Blog Post: Monday, June 22, 2015
Weekly Blog Post: Monday, May 18, 2015Do you love to travel?
Does your "Definition of Happiness" include adventure, variety, or "living life to the fullest"?
If so, then travel could make you a lot happier. Even if not, the benefits of travel are many.
Click on the "Read More" button here to discover how travel can make you happier (and more).
BeHappy! my friends
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Weekly Blog Post: Monday, May 4, 2015This plaque is a simple reminder you can use everyday to be happy. Click here to get one of these plaques for your home or office (along with 3 others:
"Recipe for Success",
"Recipe for Love", and
"Recipe for Friendship").
BeHappy! my friends
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Weekly Blog Post: Monday, April 20, 2015Do you have lots of friends, or even just a few very close friends?
Are your friendships providing you fulfillment and "happiness"?
Are you a good friend to someone?
Click on the "Read More" button here to understand how to have better friends and how friendships can improve your life (and even make you live longer).
BeHappy! my friends
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Weekly Blog Post: Monday, April 13, 2015Are you dealing with some very stressful circumstances or events in your life?
Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious a lot?
Are you dealing with some significant adversity?
There's no question life is stressful these days, regardless of the circumstances and issues we all face. The question is, how is this "stress" affecting your health - and your happiness? Click on the "Read More" button here to get your "stress score", determine how it's affecting your chances of getting a stress-related disease, and then eliminating the stress and anxiety in your life so you can be happier and healthier.
BeHappy! my friends
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Weekly Blog Post: Tuesday, April 7, 2015There are many "products" that can help us feel better (and be happier).
One of the best products I've found to feel "happier" throughout the day is a digital picture frame (pictured here).
We got one a while back and it's amazing how it can put a smile on your face every time you look at it.
We load hundreds of our favorite pictures on it of us having fun, traveling, being with friends and family, and just our life - and it runs continuously throughout the day, creating little "happiness moments" constantly. And it's not just a superficial happiness like you might think. It's a neuroassociation process that "wires" your brain with positive feelings.
So, get one for yourself by clicking here now and then click on the "Read More" button here to check out some other great "happiness-building" products to help you live your happiest possible life.
BeHappy! my friends
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