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The BeHappy! Newsletter, Issue #025
April 29, 2013

Volume 025
April 2013

Money and Happiness…
And a Possible Opportunity

Hi there...

If you’re one of the hundreds of new daily visitors to or a new subscriber to this BeHappy! Newsletter... welcome aboard!

I’m Jimmy, and my mission is to improve your life dramatically by making it a bit happier - or, better yet, a lot happier - everyday.

I am a doctor, corporate executive, entrepreneur, author, and speaker. My wife (Jill), our 6-year-old daughter (Joie), and our 3-year-old daughter (Jae) live in Tampa Florida and Newport Beach California.

Through this newsletter, my website, my books, E-Coaching, and other BeHappy! products, I am committed to improving the lives of as many people as possible. So, I would love to hear from you on how your life has changed by using the BeHappy! system, or how I can help improve your life more by making the system even better. Just click here to contact me and I’ll respond to you personally as soon as possible – or just give me your happiness tips, comments, suggestions, stories, or thoughts to share with others.

Here’s to your happiness and to having the kind of life you want to have!

BeHappy! my friends

Inside this Issue

Introduction to The BeHappy! Newsletter
(for new subscribers)

Happiness Facts

Follow Up to the Last Edition’s “Actions”

Introduction to "Money and Happiness" and a Possible Opportunity

Actions for the Next 60 Days to BeHappy!

What's New at

INTRODUCTION for new subscribers
(prior subscribers – skip down to the “Happiness Facts” section)

The purpose of this newsletter is to provide a regular and consistent supplement to the action-oriented process found within my website - - and in my book, BeHappy!

It is intended to make a powerful contribution to the amount of joy and fulfillment in your daily life by providing regular tools, reminders, and strategies to: This is far beyond a “How To” concept. It is rather a “Do” system, which, when used in conjunction with the BeHappy! book and The Happiness Academy (coming in mid-2013), helps create your own personal “Happiness Plan” for your life. If you want a template or “blueprint” for this Happiness Plan, click here and you can get it free.

Since my goal is to help make people happier, however, it is best to get the book, BeHappy! to use along with the website to achieve maximum benefit from the plan (yes, that’s partly a sales pitch — but it’s true).

Order Now For 50% Off (just $7.50)
And get a FREE Copy of "BeHappy! at Work"

TO ORDER BeHappy! from click here...

Or to order directly from me for a
50% discount (just $7.50)
and get a FREE copy of BeHappy! at Work
just click the "Buy Now" button here...

MY GUARANTEE TO YOU: While much of the information here at is free, I want you to BeHappy! with anything you purchase on this site; our reputation depends on it. So if you are not satisfied with anything you buy on this site, for any reason whatsoever, simply contact me and I will have a refund check cut and sent to you immediately - no questions asked.

  • One out of every seven minutes spent online is on Facebook

  • 340 million tweets are sent each and every day

  • 300 million pictures are uploaded to Facebook every day via Instagram

Follow Up from the Last Edition of
The BeHappy! Newsletter

The February edition of this newsletter ended our 3-part series on “relationships” – and how to improve them for a happier life. I hope you got a lot out of it and improved all your relationships with the information and strategies provided.

I hope you changed your “rules” and created a plan to contribute to those people who represent your closest and dearest relationships. Perhaps most importantly, though (for many reasons) I hope you took steps to be happier – which is one of the first steps in having great relationships (remember the relationship “Happiness Loop”. Go back and review the October, December, and February editions of the newsletter if you need more help in the area of relationships. You can also click here to go to the main relationship section of to explore all the great information and resources there.

Now, though, on to the topic for this edition of The BeHappy! Newsletter...

As indicated in the red "Warning" box at the top of the page, this edition of the BeHappy! newsletter is different from all the others. I had already written the first installment of this "money and happiness series" when I was introduced to an exciting and time-sensitive opportunity I want to share with all my subscribers. So, I changed the main focus of the newsletter (still related to money, though) and am providing this opportunity to you. Read on to find out more and see why this edition of the newsletter is different than the rest. The next edition of the newsletter (in June) will get back to the original format and will get deeper into the philosophy of "money and happiness" - and how to live a happier, "richer" life.

Money and Happiness (Special "Opportunity" Edition)

Money and wealth are certainly areas where many people feel they can create more happiness in their lives. Other people believe money cannot "buy" happiness.

Actually, in my opinion both are true (more on this in the June edition).

For now, though, first - as I have suggested throughout the BeHappy! system and at - true and total happiness for any of us is dependent partly on our ability to live consistent with our own personal Definition of Happiness - which is different for everyone. So, if your Definition of Happiness includes money and wealth as one of the components, then money will be more important to your overall happiness than someone who does not have money or wealth as part of their definition.

In addition, regardless of our personal Definition of Happiness, looking at it from the opposite perspective, research indicates that happy people make more money and are more financially successful than unhappy people. Again, we will get more into this in the next few editions of the newsletter.

Finally, research also shows that - for almost all of us - there is an income level, below which we are generally less happy and above which we are generally happier (which we will also get into in the June edition).

So, regardless of what you believe about income or wealth, there is a proven link between money and happiness - which for many people is quite strong.

Now, as mentioned in the box above, I was going to focus on a different theme for this introduction to the "money and happiness" series, but over the past week I was provided an opportunity from a mutual Tony Robbins contact - a potential income opportunity - that is time-sensitive and could prove to be very interesting. It's related to money, so let's talk about...

A Possible Opportunity For More Money

We all know about Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Google+ ...
but have you ever heard of Rippln?

Most people haven't ... yet. But you probably will within the next few months.

That's because Rippln hasn't been released fully to the public yet - but when it does, it could end up getting bigger than all those other social media sites, including Facebook, which has a BILLION members.

The people involved in Rippln are a very successful group of internet marketers and they say it will be released to the masses within the next few weeks - and once it is, they expect it to go "viral".

Interestingly, it is a possible opportunity for everyone - people like you and me - to generate money, perhaps even a significant supplemental income, from the world of social networking.

Just check out this quick 2-minute video to get a glimpse of what it is:

NOTE: If you are using a device in which no video shows up in the space above,
click here or cut and paste this URL into your browser to watch the video:

The Opportunity

So, really, this appears to be similar to the early stages of Facebook and Twitter, when they were just getting started. At first, it was introduced to a relatively small group of people who began to create a "community". Then, it began to spread to the general public when we started to tell other people about it.

Well, the difference here is that, with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, for example, only the guys who started it (like Mark Zuckerberg, who started Facebook) made money - a lot of money!!

Get my FREE 5-Part "Happiness Formula" Video Course by
clicking here
Well, according to the business model Rippln is setting up, through the same process of inviting people to join the community, the people inviting their friends (you and I) can make an income from the process. Also, once the community starts getting really big - into the millions, tens of millions, and even hundreds of millions of people - the apps, products and services people purchase within the community become part of the income stream for the users (us) as well.

So, if you are interested in learning more about this potential money-making opportunity (which is totally free for right now - and is available by invitation only), click here to get more information. It could be exactly what you have been seeking if you want or need additional income. So, take the action below to learn more...


Like everything in life, the old saying, “practice makes perfect” applies to happiness, too. By using the tools and concepts in the book, BeHappy! - and applying the principles found at and in this bi-monthly newsletter - you'll get the coaching and the “practice” you need to lead the happiest possible life.

It takes daily action to get “perfect” at it, though.

So, if you have read previous editions of The BeHappy! Newsletter you know that every issue provides some simple action-oriented exercises for the next two months (until the next edition of the newsletter) which relate to the main subject of this edition of the newsletter to help make happiness a habit.

Just a few minutes of focus every day and you’ll be laying the foundation for the happiest possible life - both for yourself and for those you love.

If you do these things, I can promise you’ll notice a big difference in the quality of your life.

You will BeHappy!

Actions for the next 60 days:

Take these actions over the next sixty days and by the time you receive the next edition of the BeHappy! Newsletter (in June), you will have a head start into this "money and happiness" concept which we'll be exploring for most of the rest of the year in a series on how money can make you happier, how to make more money, and how happiness can help.

Actions to Take:
  1. Click here to learn more about this possible "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the latest income-generating social networking site called Rippln.

  2. Request an invitation to join by filling in the information in the boxes here (remember, there is no cost and no risk at this point):

    Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
    First Name*
    E-mail Address*

  3. Invite your friends and business associates to join and start creating your potential income-generating social network.


Every issue of this newsletter will keep you up to date on new stuff at so you can get maximum benefit from the BeHappy! system. You can access any of these quickly by just clicking on the links in the list below.

Here's what's new at
  • The website was completely revamped as I indicated in the February edition of the newsletter. It’s not finished yet and I am still working on many of the areas, but it should be all set up and fully operational by the next edition of the newsletter in June. Just click here to check it out (Just remember, it is not completely finished yet)
  • The Happiness Formula Video Course...A FREE 5-Part video course on my “formula for happiness”. Click here to get it free as a gift from me.
  • I am still working on a potential video version of this newsletter. I plan to charge an annual or monthly fee for this newsletter, but will provide either a free or significantly reduced price for you, my current subscribers. I should know whether it will all work soon and will let you know once I know.
  • As always, there are new Quotes & Poems added to the website every month or two. At this point, there are well over 1,500 quotes there for you to read, use, and share. Click here to read the latest collection of quotes on happiness, success, wealth, motivation, and spirituality.
  • The Happiness Academy...A complete 6-month "happiness course" which will transform your life (should be ready to go by June 2013). Just click on the red button here to check it out...
And much, much more.

So until the next edition of The BeHappy! Newsletter in June...

Thanks for being a loyal subscriber and...

BeHappy! my friends

If the information here at helps you and you'd like to make a donation to help make others happy, please click on the "DONATE" button below to make a contribution. The amount you give is entirely up to you, and would be greatly appreciated. A portion of the proceeds will used to contribute to the happiness of others.

Order Now For 50% Off (just $7.50)
And get a FREE Copy of "BeHappy! at Work"

TO ORDER BeHappy! from click here...

Or to order directly from me for a
50% discount (just $7.50)
and get a FREE copy of BeHappy! at Work
just click the "Buy Now" button here...

MY GUARANTEE TO YOU: While much of the information here at is free, I want you to BeHappy! with anything you purchase on this site; our reputation depends on it. So if you are not satisfied with anything you buy on this site, for any reason whatsoever, simply contact me and I will have a refund check cut and sent to you immediately - no questions asked.

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