
Hi … I’m Jimmy, and my mission is to improve your life by making it happier everyday.
I am a doctor, corporate executive, entrepreneur, author, and speaker. My wife, Jill, our 2 year-old daughter, Joie, and our golden retriever, Sunny, live in Tampa Florida, Vancouver Canada, and Newport Beach California (so we travel a lot).
I would love to hear from you on either how your life has improved by using the BeHappy! system, or how I can help improve your life by making it much better.
Please go to www.behappy101.com, then click on “Contact Us” to provide your comments, suggestions, stories, or thoughts. ...and I’ll respond to you personally as soon as possible.
Here’s to your happiness and to having the kind of life you want to have!
BeHappy! my friends

Inside this Issue
Introduction to The BeHappy! Newsletter
Happiness Facts
Better Relationships (the ultimate "Happiness Loop")
Actions for the Next 60 Days to BeHappy!
What's New at BeHappy101.com |
The purpose of this newsletter is to provide a regular and consistent supplement to the action-oriented process described on my website (www.behappy101.com) and in my first book, simply called BeHappy!
It is intended to make a powerful contribution to the amount of joy and fulfillment in your daily life by providing regular tools, reminders, and strategies to:
- Live EVERYDAY with more passion, joy, and fulfillment
- Create and maintain better, stronger, long-lasting RELATIONSHIPS
- More easily get through the TOUGH TIMES we all experience in life
- Live HEALTHIER — and even LIVE LONGER — with more VITALITY and PASSION
- And much, much more
This is far beyond a “How To” concept. It is rather a “Do” system, which, when used in conjunction with BeHappy! helps create your own personal “Happiness Plan” for your life. If you want a template for this “Happiness Plan”, go www.behappy101.com and you can get it free.
Since my goal is to help make people happier, however, it is best to get the book to achieve maximum benefit from the plan (yes, that’s partly a sales pitch—but it’s true). Click here to order your copy now.
So get started now. Take action immediately. Go to www.behappy101.com and join the many people whose lives have been changed. “To live at this time is an inestimable privilege” - Grenville Kleiser |
Go ahead…
BeHappy! my friends
- Total happiness can be achieved regardless of the circumstances or difficulties of your life
- Happy people live an average of 9 years longer than unhappy people
- Happy people earn an average of $25,000 more per year than unhappy people
BETTER RELATIONSHIPS (the ultimate "Happiness Loop")
1. Creating Awesome Relationships (learn more from Chapter 4 of BeHappy!):
Many people think that a great relationship is the key to happiness. “If I could just find my soul mate,” they say, “I would be happy ”. The truth, however, is the complete opposite scenario. Surely a close, intimate bond with someone — especially a soul mate — is immensely fulfilling and can make us much happier. But in reality, the only way to find and maintain such a relationship is to be happy first — and your soul mate will come to you.
I know that may sound strange, but it’s the truth. I call it a "Happiness Loop", and it’s extremely powerful.
If you do everything necessary to be as happy as you can be, your relationships will be better, stronger, and more plentiful. People simply are attracted to — and like being around—happy people.
So, if you’re unhappy because you’ve been looking for that perfect someone for you and can’t find him or her — it’s BECAUSE you are not totally happy that you can’t find that person. It goes the same for friends, family, and even business relationships.
Great relationships can make you happier. More importantly, happiness WILL create better, longer lasting relationships!
| 2. Action Plan for Great Relationships
Now that you know how “simple” it is to find and maintain great relationships (simple but maybe not easy)...
STEP ONE in creating the perfect relationship(s) for you is to do all the things you need to do to be happy (hint: using the tools at www.behappy101.com and in my book, BeHappy! are great ways to accomplish this).
STEP TWO: once you are happy (and only then) you must know exactly what you want in a person, friend, or other relationship. Write it down. Create a checklist of the qualities and traits you want in all types of relationships.
STEP THREE: You must be “out there” but you can’t “force it”. If you have completed steps one and two — it will happen (“money-back guarantee").
You just have to let it happen. And it will if you take all three steps:
(1) BeHappy! (2) Know what you want in any/all relationship(s) and (3) be “out there” and let it happen. That’s the simple formula for finding the right relationship(s). Then, you must also know how to maintain and nurture the relationships you have. This will be the subject of the next issue of the BeHappy! Newsletter.
Like everything in life, the old saying, “practice makes perfect” applies to happiness, too.
Using the tools and concepts in BeHappy and applying the principles on my website (www.behappy101.com) and in this quarterly newsletter will provide the coaching and the “practice” you need to lead the happiest possible life. It takes daily action to get “perfect” at it, though.
So every quarter in this section of the newsletter, I’ll provide some simple exercises for the next two months (until the next edition of the newsletter) which will make happiness a habit.
Just a few minutes of focus every day or two and you’ll be laying the foundation for the happiest possible life. First, start with the actions for the next 30 days below. Don’t go on until you’ve got it done. Then, proceed to the actions for days 31-60 (or until the next edition of the newsletter comes out).
If you do these things, I can promise you’ll notice a big difference in the quality of your life.
You will BeHappy!
Now, let's break down the action steps into 30-day "chunks".
Actions for the next 30 days:
Before I start the real part of this edition of the "Action" section of the Newsletter, since it's early December, the holiday season is obviously upon us. And for many people that means stress, frustration, and even depression.
If that's you (and even if it's not), please go first to Holiday Happiness, which is a weekly series throughout the holidays (it started November 26th and will go right through to the New Year in early January). The intent of this series is to help put the holidays in perspective and reduce the stress and anxiety they can bring. It can help anyone have a happier, more joyous holiday season.
Now, on to the real "Action" section of this issue... Do you know what could make you as happy as you could be in your life? Most people think they do, but most really don’t. It’s the first step to true happiness.
| The first action to take is very simple, but not necessarily easy. It may take you 30 minutes to complete, or it could take the entire 30 days (or longer). It depends on how much you’ve done to improve yourself in the past and how open and honest you can be with yourself now.
Like any journey or trip, you need to know where you are going (your destination) if you expect to end up in the right place.
Sounds pretty obvious, right? But most people don’t do this when it comes to happiness. Most people try to become happy without taking the time to know what they really need to be happy.
So, whether it takes you 30 minutes or 30 days, the first action to take is to define your happiness. Create your own personal “Definition of Happiness”. I spend the entire first chapter of my book helping people do this. It requires thought and focus. Are there things missing from your life that need to be there for you to be happy? Are there things in your life, which, if they were gone, would make you happier? These are the kind of things you need to know.
Actions for days 31 to 60:
Once you’ve created your Definition of Happiness (and if you haven’t, don’t go on yet), you know where you need to end up to be totally happy. If you have that definition, you are well on your way to the happiest possible life. Now, for the next 30 days, here’s what to do:
First, go through the pictures you have of your life—as many as you can find. Set aside those pictures that display the things related to the definition you just created. Now, set up a way to look at those pictures everyday. Put them on your screensaver. Pin them up on your walls. There’s even a great new digital “picture frame” you can buy that loops pictures constantly and is a great way to constantly remind yourself of your greatest moments. In early 2009 you’ll be able to buy this and other happiness-building products at www.behappy101.com.
Pictures can be constant reminders of what makes us happy and how grateful we can (and should) be in our lives.
WHAT'S NEW AT www.behappy101.com:
Every issue of this newsletter will keep you up to date on new stuff at www.behappy101.com so you can get maximum benefit from the BeHappy! system. You can access any of these quickly by just clicking on the links in the list below.
Holiday Happiness - a weekly series to get you more happily through the holiday season
Crisis in Catalina - a true personal story of a challenging time we had at Catalina Island in November that has a great happiness message (also accessible through the BeHappy! Blog)
Overcoming Fear to Thrive in the Current Economy - a monthly series designed to ease the pain, and perhaps make you wealthy in - and because of - the current financial situation we are facing in our economy today.
Multiple Streams of Income: an article intended to help you to get wealthier, even in the current economic downturn we are experiencing right now at the end of 2008 — which could possible go on for quite a long time.
MarketAmerica is an internet brokerage Network Marketing company that can augment or even replace your current income.
Living in the Moment: an article that can help us all be happier by focusing on “today” rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on the challenges of the past.
Happiness Quotes and Poems and Jokes - New quotes, poems, and jokes to brighten your day and make you happier.
And much, much more.
Make sure to contribute to the happiness of others by providing your own stories, jokes, testimonials, comments and personal stories of adversity on the website (there are many places throughout the website to add your message). Thanks…
BeHappy! my friends