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The BeHappy! Newsletter, Issue #028 October 23, 2013 |
October 2013 Money and Happiness - Part 3: Create Multiple Streams of Income for Wealth & Happiness (the Final Part of this Series on “Money & Happiness”) Hi there... If you’re one of the hundreds of new daily visitors to or a new subscriber to this BeHappy! Newsletter... welcome aboard! And, if you're one of the regular happy visitors to or readers of this newsletter, welcome back!! ![]() I am a doctor, corporate executive, entrepreneur, author, and speaker. My wife (Jill), our 7-year-old daughter (Joie), and our 3-year-old daughter (Jae) live in Tampa Florida and Newport Beach California. Through this newsletter, my website (, my books, E-Coaching, and other BeHappy! products, I am committed to improving the lives of as many people as possible. So, I would love to hear from you on how your life has changed by using the BeHappy! system, or how I can help improve your life more by making the system even better. Just click here to contact me and I’ll respond to you personally as soon as possible – or just give me your happiness tips, comments, suggestions, stories, or thoughts to share with others. Here’s to your happiness and to having the kind of life you want to have! BeHappy! my friends
INTRODUCTION for new subscribers (prior subscribers – skip down to the “Happiness Facts” section) The purpose of this newsletter is to provide a regular and consistent supplement to the action-oriented process found within my website - - and in my book, BeHappy! It is intended to make a powerful contribution to the amount of joy and fulfillment in your daily life by providing regular tools, reminders, and strategies to:
Also, make sure to get my free “Happiness Formula” Video Course just by clicking on the link in the box at the top right (just under the great "income opportunity" box) or just click here. It will change your whole perspective on happiness – and on life in general. Since my goal is to help make people happier, though, it’s best to first get my book, BeHappy! to use along with the Happiness Plan template, the video course and the website to achieve maximum benefit (yes, that’s partly a sales pitch — but it’s true). So, I'm making it a "no-brainer" for you to get it right now for 50% off and a FREE gift Ebook...
The BeHappy! Newsletter The August edition of this newsletter was the second part of a 3-part series on “money” and happiness – dealing with the concept of what most people call a “job” – and the role of what I call your “primary source of income”. We discussed how most people don’t love what they do “for a living” (and most even hate it). We discussed how, if you are one of those people, you can learn to love what you do – or perhaps even find a way to change to do what you love (click here to learn the difference). Did you spend the past 60 days since that edition of the newsletter answering the questions I posed? Those questions were:
If not, do it now (if money and wealth are part of your Definition of Happiness and you want to make a higher income). Stop reading and answer them honestly. The bottom line is that, if you work for a living (in other words, have a “job”) – to pay your bills and provide for your family’s necessities – then it is essential that you are doing something you are passionate about and that you love doing. It starts by first answering those 4 questions above. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be ready to move on to the topic for this edition of The BeHappy! Newsletter... Multiple Streams of Income
![]() Our economy is very fragile and businesses merge, downsize, and fail regularly. This is even more likely over the next few years as our global economy changes (which is almost a certainty). And really, there is no such thing as true long-term company loyalty anymore anyway. Because of this, therefore, creating multiple income streams is a great way to build financial stability for many people. The concept is basically this… Starting with your current income (whether it’s zero or $500,000 per year or more), increase that income by adding various other revenue streams to your life by creating one or more cash-generating “businesses”. Graphically, it can be represented like this… ![]() It's a relatively simple concept, where basically you "diversify" your income by generating cash flow from several sources. Ideally, the result is a situation where you are making, saving, and investing much more money than you were making with just your "job". And, from a "security" perspective, if things got worse in the economy, you could lose any one stream of income (including your current job) and still be fine financially. As great a concept as it is, though, it isn’t necessarily the best strategy for everyone. Some people, for example, are better suited to stay focused on one primary source of income since creating additional income streams is not easy and requires time. So, unless you can quickly and easily create true passive income - which is entirely possible - you may risk damaging your primary source of income, since the skills required and the demands on your time could grow with each stream you add if the income is not passive (see the box below for a definition of "passive income"). Here are a few questions you should consider before implementing a multiple streams of income strategy for yourself:
You must assess all the possibilities and you should start small. First, for example, it is easier to create multiple streams of income when you build from what you know and love.
As a very basic summary of the process, here are the 3 steps to take to begin a multiple streams of income stategy: Step 1: Start with One. Begin by picking one stream of income that you are deeply passionate about. Open your mind. In order to create multiple income streams, you have to think a bit differently than when your life involves only one primary source of income. You probably have to “think outside the box”. You can (and should) use any skills you have developed which are related to your work or hobbies to generate profitable ideas. Although not really creative, as a simple example, you could use your experience and expertise to consult with other companies and freelance your services on evenings and weekends. This is obviously very time-consuming, though. It requires your direct involvement and takes away from your free time on weekends or evenings (see step number 2 below). The point here in this first step is to come up with ways to build an income stream and do the research needed to understand the process fully. For some people it could be investing in stocks or rental real estate. For others it might be starting your own income-generating website on the internet. Yet others might want to start with a network marketing business. Whatever it is, your first stream of income should be something so personally exciting that you would do it whether you ever made a buck at it or not. And, again, ideally it is something that can be (or become) either passive income or residual income. Master your first stream of income and in the process you will develop the necessary foundational skills and abilities that can then be leveraged to develop other streams of income. Seize new opportunities. Don't be afraid to take some risks and get outside your comfort zone. Nothing worthwhile comes without a little uncertainty. Always keep an eye out for changes on the horizon. Step 2: Make it Passive for You. Once you have gotten your first stream of income going, it is important to "systematize" that stream so that it no longer requires your limited time and attention. In the example above regarding using your knowledge and experience to consult on evenings or weekends for income, it’s better to leverage your abilities by creating more passive streams of income, like using that knowledge and experience to create an information product, like an ebook or video course (which can be done in a few days – or even a few hours) and sell it on the Internet. Don't limit yourself. Again, think outside the box. Systematize your income and make it passive, then go on to Step 3. Step 3: Create Additional Streams Of Residual Income. Once you have solidified your first income stream to produce passive or residual cash flow without your involvement, then you can use your extra time to add additional streams of income. This is done by intelligently adding additional revenue streams that leverage the skills, knowledge, and network you created in the first stream of income so that you aren’t starting from scratch on each additional stream. This is a key point. Obviously, all this is not easy. It is a relatively simple concept, though – one that anyone with a Definition of Happiness that includes money, wealth, or just a higher income and greater financial security can do successfully (and have fun at the same time). You must work smarter, though, not harder. Choose opportunities that require the least amount of your attention. Seek passive and residual income streams. Buy rental property or become a network marketer. Manage your money soundly. CLICK HERE now to get more information on this subject – including a list of ideas you can use to generate additional income streams. BeHappy! ACTIONS TO TAKE UNTIL THE NEXT ISSUE OF THIS NEWSLETTER Like everything in life, the old saying, “practice makes perfect” applies to happiness, too. By using the tools and concepts in the book, BeHappy! - and applying the principles found at and in this bi-monthly newsletter - you'll get the coaching and the “practice” you need to lead the happiest possible life. It takes daily action to get “perfect” at it, though. So, if you have read previous editions of The BeHappy! Newsletter you know that every issue provides some simple action-oriented exercises for the next two months (until the next edition of the newsletter) which relate to the main subject of this edition of the newsletter to help make happiness a habit. Just a few minutes of focus every day and you’ll be laying the foundation for the happiest possible life - both for yourself and for those you love. If you do these things, I can promise you’ll notice a big difference in the quality of your life. You will BeHappy! Actions for the next 60 days: Take these actions over the next sixty days and by the time you receive the next edition of the BeHappy! Newsletter (in December), you could be starting to generate your second stream of income (or maybe, for some people, your first). Actions to Take: You can make a significant passive and residual income by just sharing free apps with people (like you probably already do for no income through Facebook, Twitter, email, or just old fashioned word-of-mouth). There is still time to get in on the ground floor of this new social media opportunity as Rippln is still in the early stages of their public launch and is about to go “viral”. So, don’t miss out!! Click here now to check it out for yourself. 2. Next, whether or not the Rippln opportunity above is right for you, if you have any interest in starting an online, money-making business, click on this banner below to find out how. SBI! (Site Build It!) is the best, fastest, and easiest way I have found to start your own online business. By this time next week, you could be making money online with SBI! Just click on this banner now to learn more... 3. Now, for the next action to take over the next 60 days, take out something to write with and make a list of all the things you could do to generate additional streams of income. Brainstorm. Do it with someone else if possible so you can bounce around ideas. Use the ideas above (Rippln and SBI! to fuel other ideas). Think about what you are passionate about and what you love to do. Can it be monetized? Just about anything can. Figure out a way. Make a LONG list. Take several days to do this. Refine it and make it exciting for you. Use some of the resources at to help you think of ways to generate income. Click here to get some ideas. 4. Finally, before the next edition of this newsletter in December, take at least one action toward generating your first additional income stream. Sign up for Rippln or SBI! Write the outline for your first ebook that you can sell online (with the tools you get from SBI!). Look into finding your first rental property. Buy a book on investing and start learning about how to make money through passive investments. Whatever really excited you about the list you developed in Action #3 above, take some action now toward starting that income stream. Any action is good, no matter how big or small. Just make sure you understand the risks before you jump in. Anything that has rewards (especially financial rewards) involves risks and, sometimes, an investment - both of time and money. So make sure you understand what you are getting into before you take action. WHAT'S NEW AT Every issue of this newsletter will keep you up to date on new stuff at so you can get maximum benefit from the BeHappy! system. You can access any of these quickly by just clicking on the links in the list below. Here's what's new at
So until the next edition of The BeHappy! Newsletter in December... Thanks for being a loyal subscriber and... BeHappy! my friends
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