BeHappy! Poems

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Many people love poetry.

Poems can be informative, inspiring, motivating, and soothing.

For those who want to be as happy as possible (which is probably you since you're on this website) and like poems because poetry "speaks" to you, use this page to find poems that can help improve your day, your week, or even your life.

New poems will be added regularly, so visit this page often for the latest and greatest.

Click on any poem below you want to read:

The Race


Glue Poem

What Happiness Is

Happiness is Not Comforts

Bring Happiness

Little Children

Happiness Is...


Success (different)


You Will Be Happy

The Beauty of Nature

Live Each Day to the Fullest

Passion of Life

The Spirit of Play

The Best of Friends

It's You I Like


Happy Everything

The Happy Person

The Sound of Laughter

...And there are more poems coming soon.

If you have a favorite "happiness poem", please fill out the information in the boxes at the bottom of this page to send it to me.  I'll post it with the other poems here for others to enjoy.

The Dash (a poem by Linda Ellis) has been published hundreds of times in books, newspapers, magazines and company newsletters. It has also been read countless times at company meetings, graduations and funerals. In the last three years, Linda has received over one million e-mails thanking her for writing The Dash, and asking the question ... Where can I get a copy?
Click here to get yours now!

The Dash Poem

Captures the “simple truths” of why we were put on this Earth.

Live Your Dash Book

An inspirational way to follow through with living "your dash".


If the information on this site helps you and you'd like to make a donation to (to help make others happy), please click on the button below to make a contribution. The amount you donate is entirely up to you. A portion will used to contribute to the happiness of others and is greatly appreciated.


Submit Your Favorite Quote or Poem

Please enter the word that you see below.



If the information on this site helps you and you'd like to make a donation to (to help make others happy), please click on the button below to make a contribution. The amount you donate is entirely up to you. A portion will used to contribute to the happiness of others and is greatly appreciated.


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