... Information and Advice

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This section of the website provides loads of information and advice you can use to "learn" to be happier and more fulfilled. Check back frequently for the latest information and use this section as your comprehensive source for information and inspiration on all aspects of happiness.

What you'll find here are tips, strategies, articles, and other happiness-building resources. There will also be many different types of tools to use to evaluate, monitor, and improve your "level" of happiness (without getting too analytical). These will be practical, everyday tools to add joy and passion to your life.

And don't miss the many recommended books - and other things (like recommended movies) - at the bottom of this page which can help you increase your knowledge, awareness, and abilities toward the happiest possible life.

Main Areas in this Section:

Quick Tips For Making YOUR Life Happier
: This is a page dedicated to many tools and tips to use on a regular basis to help improve your life. Some of them can take just a few minutes to make you happier or brighten your day, while others might require more time - and can brighten your life!

The Science of Happiness: This page provides more of the "research" and "technical" (psychological) aspects of happiness (yes, there is some science to all this). And, I am in the process of recruiting some experts in the field of psychology (both traditional psychology and the relatively new field of "positive psychology") to help add to this section.

Two regular contributors so far are:

Articles Published by Others on Happiness: This section contains a growing library of articles published by other people on happiness.

So click on any these links above to get valuable information on many ways to BeHappy! everyday.

And this is just a start. Much more will be added in the coming months.

Again, please contribute to the happiness of others by filling in your own "happiness tips" in the invitation at the bottom of this page.

Use all this stuff, and...

BeHappy! my friends

Relevant Articles

Understanding Brain Waves to Be Happy!

Contentment - Does it Equal Happiness?

The Emergence of Positive Psychology

Happiness Explained - USA Today

"The 3 R's" of Happiness

Doing What You Love versus Loving What You Do in a Job or Career

Recommended Reading ... and other things

There are many sources of information, inspiration, and education available, some of which you might not consider as part of the BeHappy! process. Here are some of my favorites, which you can use to supplement all the stuff you can use on this website:

Books - Reading is a fundamental, effective method of getting information and advice. "How To" books are abundant, on just about any topic imaginable. Here are some of the ones I feel are well-written, informative, and effective:


  • BeHappy! (Jimmy DeMesa, M.D.) - of course I'm recommending mine first! So order BeHappy! now if you don't have it already.
  • Authentic Happiness! (Martin Seligman, Ph.D.)
  • The Contented Soul! (Lisa Graham McMinn)
  • Don't Sweat the Small Stuff! (Richard Carlson, Ph.D.)


  • Questions to Bring You Closer to Dad (Stuart Gustafson & Robyn Freedman Spizman)
  • Questions to Bring You Closer to Mom (Stuart Gustafson & Robyn Freedman Spizman)


  • The Great Depression Ahead (Harry Dent)
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Robert Kiyosaki)


  • Awaken The Giant Within (Tony Robbins)
  • Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior (Dan Millman)

Movies: What better way to get happier, develop better relationships, or just be inspired than by being entertained at the same time. Movies are one way to achieve this. Here are some that are a "must see":


  • It's A Wonderful Life
  • Forest Gump


  • It's A Wonderful Life
  • Love Actually!
  • The Cider House Rules
  • Elizabethtown
  • Legends of the Fall
  • Jersey Girl
  • Kramer vs. Kramer


  • It's A Wonderful Life
  • Braveheart
  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Good Will Hunting
  • The Pursuit of Happyness
  • Powder


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What Other Visitors Have Said

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Happiness during the holidays Not rated yet
Sometimes I am so busy during the holidays planning Christmas presents, Christmas functions to go to, family get togethers and add on my son's birthday …

Stay active Not rated yet
Run, dance, play, lift weights, ski, blade, walk... Continue to challenge yourself physically to maintain good health and happiness

Virtual Travel to Make Me Happy Not rated yet
I love to travel and experience new places. When I allow myself to be really stressed over career, money, family...I take a few minutes, go online and …

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