The Dash - a hugely popular poem written by Linda Ellis – has a very important message. Most people would agree. (If you haven’t read it - click here – then return to this article to get a bit deeper into the subject).
Unfortunately, it’s a message so often ignored – or at least neglected - especially in today’s complex, hectic, difficult world.
We all need to pay attention to this important message.
We all need to live this important message.
I first heard this poem while attending a corporate dinner party/banquet in 1998. Lou Holtz, the well-known former NCAA and NFL football coach, was the keynote speaker. It was the first time I had ever heard him speak – and it was wonderfully inspirational. At the end of his talk (which was about an hour and a half) he recited, from memory, The Dash. |
Wow! What an impact it had. There were tears in people’s eyes – including mine. He received an enthusiastic standing ovation – certainly for the entire talk, but also because of the emotional and impactful ending of his talk - The Dash.
Why was it so impactful? I believe there are two reasons:
Firstly, it is truly a great message. Very simple, yet so profound.
Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, is that there are so many of us who realize when we hear it that we are not “living our dash” the best way possible. And that’s the mission of this entire website ... to help you live the happiest possible "dash" (life).
Are you making the most of your life (your dash)?
Are you going to regret not having done something in your life? If so, this can have a significant impact on your happiness.
So think about living your dash.
And if you aren’t living it exactly the way you want, do something about it. Don’t regret missing out once it’s too late.
Use the tools, strategies, and exercises in this book to help you (below is a list of some of the most relevant and helpful of those tools and exercises to help you get the most out of your dash).
BeHappy! my friends
Related topics to help improve your "dash" (life):
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